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Outrageous... Then What?

May 01, 20243 min read

This post was written in 2016. The figures have changed, but not the point.

Ok… take a day or two to digest the realization that 62 singular people own as much as 1/2 of the rest of the world’s peoples. 62 people ( could fit in a small room) versus 3.6 Billion people!   Its a stunning power punch to the belly if I let myself feel the depth of wrong expressed here.

OK…breathe again and feel … fear!  Fear that things are this wrong in the world…fear that no one in a position of power has the ability to change this.  We’re so on our own!  Terror that any change that will address this magnitude of wrong will take many people together. Ahh people!  Run for the hills!

Fist shaking, bitching and blaming come to mind.  Though all are deliciously stimulating, they are impotent to make any real and lasting change.

Now we’re really getting down to the dark matter of dread.  What will it take to come together as a unified humanity…not against anything or anyone (including a space invasion which is just another opportunity to do an ‘us against them’  play on a bigger stage that ultimately does’t address the questionability of an ‘us against them’ mentality at this stage of global consciousness and survival in the pursuit of re-connection)?  Unity for ourselves/ humanity/us, as a living, ultimately connected organism riding a planet – that ultimately supplies us with everything – through time.  How bad do things have to get before we take on the real fear of having to put down the “better than’s” and “less than’s” and work together with no enemy other than the lie that we must compete to survive???

OK…feel outrage instead…much easier. Yes!  Fire in the belly! Get up off my duff and do something!  Fist shaking, bitching and blaming come to mind.  Though all are deliciously stimulating, they are impotent to make any real and lasting change.

Perhaps instead, vanquishing the fear starts with the small grace of kindness to a stranger…or even scarier, even harder, kindness to a known, flawed, loved offender; we all have them.   For me, kindness requires both heart and head. The heart of compassion that can walk a mile and the head to realize a snake will bite, so grab it behind the head or step clear of it entirely.  Caring and knowing simultaneously.

And what of the outrage? Don’t let a good fire go to waste, let it motivate the determination to do things a new though scary way.  Stop blaming the hungry masses with their needs, stop blaming the elite blinded by greed and shortsightedness.  It has to start somewhere.

If we are going to have to come together to fix 62 vs. 3.6 billion, it starts with making new ways to interact – before it becomes 3  vs. all the rest of us.  Peace must begin with enough for ALL.  If the depth of wrong isn’t enough to motivate, what will it take?  Need I say melting markets, Davos talks to control ( enslave ) the world, big Pharma and the dawning realization that the ‘us against them’ model will ultimately devour all – including the 62.

So my potion of the day is a healthy dose of outrageous! in response to the fear topped with a double dose of wise kindness to my fellow travelers because despite appearances we’re all on this ride together.  And kindness multiplied by billions could shake the universe.




Image Credit: NASA/ESA/Samantha Cristoforetti
© 2016 EJA Magical Journeys

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Co-founder of the Peace Genesis Project

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